Crown Alloy .035 x 8" SIL-BRONZE Silicon Bronze (ER CuSi-A) MIG 10 lb SPOOL (CSSIB/2F)
Crown Silicon Bronze is a copper-silicon-manganese alloy welding rod used to weld copper, brass and dissimilar combinations. Excellent results when used on galvanized and thin sheet metal using TIG or MIG.
Please Note: Welding fumes and gases can be hazardous to your health. Click here for the manufacturers MSDS information. Both the manufacturer and Welding Supplies from IOC recommends that you read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets and product warning statements prior to using this product.
Please Note: Welding fumes and gases can be hazardous to your health. Click here for the manufacturers MSDS information. Both the manufacturer and Welding Supplies from IOC recommends that you read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets and product warning statements prior to using this product.
UPC: 412300230522